Data Driven Graphic Design
Data Driven Graphic Design
Data Driven Graphic Design

Data Driven Graphic Design

Published by Bloomsbury press, Data-Driven Graphic Design: Creative Coding for Visual Communication highlights the creative potential of computational data, outlining how it can be used to inform and create visual design work. It provides an inspiring and thought-provoking insight into the intersection between graphic design and code-based digital technology; introducing the concepts, processes, language, and ideas of creative coding; highlighting applications within contemporary graphics and design practice. With an emphasis on an experimental computational approach, this book presents a unique look at graphic design practice in the context of creative data-driven technology.

No other text I have read so comprehensively guides the reader through the visual output and the internal programming motivations for creating such beautiful data-driven work.

Wayne Madsen, Professor of New Media Art and Technology

The book seeks to inspire a new generation of designer, enabling them to see the creative potential of data and code, and encouraging an understanding of the broad concepts and application of code as an important part of the creative landscape. It provides an instructional, inspirational introduction to the subject, providing support for student and tutors as a useful addition to the core curriculum.

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